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- CSR Information>
- Compliance
Basic Concept
Underpinning our basic philosophy of "looking to the world and the future and contributing to people's happiness through new value creation" each one of our executives and employees will faithfully comply with the laws of each country and region, and conduct business fairly and honestly as responsible members of the society.
Compliance with laws and regulations
We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region.
We have policies, education system structure, guidelines, reporting systems, and various other mechanisms in place to ensure thorough compliance.
Compliance with competition law
We comply with the competition laws of each country and region, and do not engage in unlawful activities private monopolies, unfair restraints on trade (cartels, collusive bidding, etc.), unfair business practices, or abuse of dominant bargaining position.
Corruption prevention
We make political contributions and donations according to the laws and regulations of each country and region, and endeavor to build wholesome and proper relations with political and governing organizations.
We do not engage in the use of entertainment, gift-giving, or monetary transactions with business partners for the purpose of obtaining favors or preferential treatment.
Management and protection of confidential information
The private or confidential information of clients, third parties, our employees, is acquired through legitimate means, kept protected, and is used within the appropriate boundaries.
Export transaction control
The export of technologies, goods and services controlled by the laws and regulations of each country and region, is carried out within the appropriate export procedures and controls.
Protection of intellectual property
The intellectual property, owned or attributable to our company, is obtained by legal means and used without infringing on intellectual property of third parties.